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 بحث جاهز حول ~ education in morocco ~ للإخوة المغاربة

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 9266
العمر : 35
المدينة التي تقطن بها : ورقلة
الوظيفة : ليس بعد (دبلوم ماستر ميكانيك طاقوية)
السٌّمعَة : 184
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/02/2008

بحث جاهز حول ~ education in morocco ~ للإخوة المغاربة  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: بحث جاهز حول ~ education in morocco ~ للإخوة المغاربة    بحث جاهز حول ~ education in morocco ~ للإخوة المغاربة  Icon_minitimeالسبت أكتوبر 18, 2014 1:11 pm

Around one fifth of the budget of Morocco is spent in Morocco Education. In 2000 the illiteracy rate was around 51.1%. In order to curb the illiteracy great effort was taken and thousands of

learning centers were opened to encourage Morocco Education. Education in Morocco is made free and compulsory in the primary stage. Students between the age group of 7- 15 are given free education. Previously girls hardly used to attend schools. Compulsory basic education was introduced in the year of about 1960 after the independence of Morocco in the year 1956. The enrollments in schools rose to about 85% after this.

One has to go through 9 years of basic education in Morocco followed by three years of secondary education. The language of instruction is Arabic. French is also used as the medium of instruction in the technical courses or in the secondary levels. French is usually introduced in the third grade. Institutions are private and public. There are around 14 universities in the country. Some private organizations also offer higher education. There is also a private university named AL- Akhawayan. Higher education is also given at vocational training institutions and professional training institutions. The technical track of Education of Morocco offers job oriented courses.The disciplines includes Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and Chemical engineering, Economics and Agricultural sciences. Vocational training includes a two year program after grade six.

Morocco Education has come a long way and in the year 2006 UNESCO granted Morocco UNESCO 2006 Literary prize.

Morocco Universities
In 1960, the basic education in Morocco was made compulsory. As a result many students enrolled themselves in the schools. But where Higher education is concerned slightly half the students go for secondary education. Morocco Universities are the seats of higher education and academic excellence in Morocco. These universities offer a range of disciplines from arts, science and commerce.

The chief language of instruction in the Morocco Universities is French with Arabic courses and even English There are even English institutions in Morocco. Not only students of Morocco but also students from other countries come to pursue higher studies in the Universities of Morocco.

The most famous university of Morocco includes Mohammed V University in Rabat. Karaouine University, the oldest university of Maghreb, emphasizes on the Islamic Studies. This university is also rated among the oldest existing educational institutes of the world. Al Akhawayan in Ifrane is the private university. The medium of instruction of this university is English and the curriculum is also based on the American Model.

The other universities in Morocco include:
Mohammed V University at Agdal, Rabat
Mohammed V University at Souissi, Rabat
Hassan II Ain Chok University, Casablanca
Hassan II Mohammedia University, Mohammedia
Sidi Mohamed Benabdellah University, Fez
Mohamed Premier University, Oujda
Moulay Ismail University, Meknes
Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech
Ibnou Zohr University, Agadir
Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida
Hassan Premier University, Settat
Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra
Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tanger
Cadi Ayyad University, Beni Mellal
Morocco Colleges
The illiteracy rates in Morocco were 51% not even a decade ago. Great efforts were taken in order to curb the illiteracy rates in Morocco. Though basic education was made compulsory in the schools there were thousands of dropouts. Slightly more than fifty percent of the students go for secondary education. Morocco colleges offer a variety of disciplines. Morocco colleges are well known for the high education standard accompanied by great infrastructure.

College education can be broadly classified into Language arts, Experimental Sciences and Mathematics. Vocational trainings are also offered in various colleges of Morocco. Vocational training, job oriented two year course is also offered in many college. The technical education comprises of the subjects like Mechanical engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Economics and Agriculture. Students belonging to the technical track have to study a common syllabus in the first year and then they move to their field of specialization.

The medium of instruction in the colleges in Morocco is mainly Arabic and French. For the technical tract the medium of language is usually French. Some of the institutions also have English as their language of instruction. The colleges are also either private or public in nature. The duration of the college education is usually three years offering specialization in a subject. Students can either opt for jobs or higher studies at the various universities in Morocco post College.

Morocco Schools
One fifth of the Budget of Morocco is allocated to the Morocco Education in order to build Morocco schools to meet the demands of escalating population. Post independence and around 1960, basic education was made compulsory. Children between the ages of seven to fourteen had to attend Morocco Schools. Though in urban areas children attended schools but in the rural areas children especially girls hardly attended schools. But with increase in the schools and following the move of basic compulsory education the illiteracy rates were curbed to a great extent. But when it comes to the higher education, slightly more than half of the children continue their education till secondary levels including trade and technical schools. Only few go for the higher education. The building of new schools has been on a much slower rate in the forty years in comparison to eight years after independence.

Schools of Morocco are of two types Private and Public. The pre school education for children aged four to six years old is only found in urban areas. These schools are mostly private. Private as well as public schools offer education in the primary as well as secondary education. The basic Education System consisted of 9 years of education followed by three years of secondary education.

Some of the famous schools in Morocco include:
American School of Tangier
Casablanca American School
Jewish Normal School
Lake Village Elementary School
North Newton Junior Senior High School
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بحث جاهز حول ~ education in morocco ~ للإخوة المغاربة

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